Chelsea: One Week Down, Three to Go

Chelsea, here! And all I have to say is: Woof! Guys, this week has been crazy. I started this post LAST FRIDAY! But I've been so busy that I haven't had time to just sit down and type. But here it is, my week one...pretty much two...Whole30 recap!

I'm not going to lie, so far it's been a little painful, but I think I'm getting the hang of it. Honestly, the hardest part was finding bacon that we could eat. You would not believe all of the sugar that is in bacon, of all things.!With that being said, it's been really fun getting creative in the kitchen and trying out all sorts of new recipes.

So far, between Pinterest and some Whole30 and paleo Instagram accounts, I've been able to come up with some pretty solid recipes that will last me much longer than this challenge. In fact, they will probably end up being some kitchen staples down the road. I'm prepping for a move soon and being able to whip up something quick, easy and healthy while living out of boxes is an awesome feeling! I wanted to include a couple of my favorites for you guys to check out, just in case you're stuck for a quick snack or you're looking for some Whole30 recipes of your own.

By far my favorite recipe that I've discovered is this Whole30 "oatmeal" that I found on Bravo for Paleo. I swear, I've had it so many times over the last two weeks and I have to say, I'll probably be eating it well after we're done with the challenge as well. It's super easy to make, not to mention the endless topping possibilities.

Mash a banana with one egg and cook it up over medium heat. Top it with whatever you like and voila! Breakfast! I've found that I prefer to toss my egg and banana in my Magic Bullet to blend, rather than just fork mashing it. It saves time and gives a more...not creamy, but smooth texture to your "oatmeal" if you're like me and don't love mushy type food. So far, I've tried it with dried mango, dried peaches, and blackberries respectively, and all of the combinations have been fabulous.

This chicken salad recipe was a LIFE SAVER the other night. I came home from work starving and needed to eat something. I found the recipe on Pinterest and it took less than 10 minutes to make. I think next time I make it, I'll be adding some bacon,  jalapeño and maybe even some tomatoes, too! Make it a BLTAC salad of sorts. 

First you cook up some chicken breast; I used my Pampered Chef Deep Covered Baker and zapped it in the microwave for five minutes, but for those of you who are more patient, cook it however you like. Then all you have to do is cut up the chicken, rough chop some green onions and cilantro and then cube some avocado and toss it all together. I added some lemon olive oil to mine to replace the mayo and that was it. Quick, easy, and actually really satisfying, too!

Even though there have been some growing pains so far, and I'm craving baked goods like no other, I'm actually really enjoying this challenge so far because of the versatility it's forcing me into in the kitchen.