Jullie: Rise and shine!

Ahhh! SIMPLY has a new look! (And a little bit of a new vibe...but more on that in a sec…) Chelsea and I are just beyond excited to finally roll out the updated website! We spent a lot of time brainstorming and discussing the direction we wanted to take the blog in, so here's what's going on now and what to expect in the future...

Simply Jullie & Chelsea

This is actually the THIRD name the blog has been under...can you believe that?? 'Mangoes & Palm Trees' was the OG, back when I was writing solo. But after teaming up with Chelsea (best friend/partner in crime/life twin)…It was obviously important for a new name to represent us both. Well...I'd say slapping our ACTUAL names into the title works, wouldn't you?? ;) Therefore...'Simply Jullie & Chelsea' was born!

Stay hungry. Stay adventurous.

Food and travel will always be the heart and soul of this blog! We’ll be sharing our favorite recipes, highlighting interesting restaurants we find, and even reviewing/spotlighting some of our favorite products (this is one of those new things we’ve got in the works :D). Chelsea and I are always in the mood to explore, to learn or try something new, so SIMPLY is definitely going to be a reflection of that attitude.

Keep it fun. Keep it fresh. Keep it real.

Chelsea and I have been through plenty of changes in recent months—professionally and personally—and one of the biggest changes was our effort to get healthy this year...Shopping. Cooking. Eating. All of it...We simply wanted to form better habits, and fun, fresh, real became our new mantra along the way. You'll start to see more and more posts that reflect this style! Ultimately, we want to cook and eat what makes us happy. We want to be more mindful of what we’re consuming, but we also want to make sure we share what genuinely satisfies us! It's been an adventure all on its own, finding that right balance that works for us.

We'll be adding recipes soon, so keep an eye on our Food and Drink pages. Adventure will also be getting some fun, interesting additions. (Hawai’i, Disney World, San Francisco…ALL currently in the works!) But a brand new page we're working on is FEATURES! This page will be home to a variety of list posts, product reviews, and brand spotlights!

Stay tuned!

One of the best methods to make sure you never miss a blog post is to subscribe by email! If you check out the sidebar on the right-hand side of this page, there's a SUBSCRIBE section for you to submit your email address. You'll get a notification every time we publish. It's that easy! :) You can also connect with us on a number of different social media platforms. Our CONTACT page has a roundup of all of our accounts!

We hope you like the improved site, and we definitely hope you enjoy the new content coming your way soon! Feel free to leave a comment and let us know what you think! :)